About Us

Purpose Statement

LAB Innovative Business Network is more than a business; we’re a bridge. Committed to assisting transitioning service members, post-transition veterans, and dependents, we create pathways to meaningful employment. Our comprehensive resources ensure that no one walks this journey alone.

Vision & Mission Statement

LAB Innovative Business Network envisions a future where every veteran seamlessly integrates into civilian life. Clients aren’t just clients but valued partners on this transformative journey.

Our mission is to empower those who have selflessly served our country.

Meet the Owner

Tony Ballard

Tony Ballard is a dynamic Solopreneur with a versatile career as a Sr. Learning and Development Consultant in the finance industry and a distinguished 22-year career in the U.S. Air Force. 

He established a Solopreneur platform to help ease veterans' transition from military to civilian careers. His extensive career services, including resume writing, interview preparation, LinkedIn optimization, and specialized coaching, support veterans in their job search. Tony is dedicated to supporting the military community and transitioning veterans by creating and implementing customized military veteran internship programs, empowering companies to make the most of the valuable skills these individuals bring. Additionally, he advocates for transitioning veterans through keynote speeches. 

Beyond his entrepreneurial pursuits, Tony excelled in corporate roles, leading DE&I initiatives, negotiating contracts, and overseeing company-wide eLearning courses, impacting a global workforce of over 200,000 employees. Retiring as a Chief Master Sergeant/E-9 from the Air Force, he played a pivotal role in developing the Air Force's Diversity & Inclusion strategic plan at the Pentagon. 

Currently pursuing a Ph.D. in business administration, Tony remains actively involved in community service through associations like the Association of Talent Development Atlanta Chapter.